Wooden frame modular house
Place of Origin: Lithuania | Material: Wooden |

wood log cabin, garden log cabin, Log cabins made in Europe, for sale
Modular frame house from wood made in Europe.
Best quality and price for all our houses from wood.
AVstatyba.lt make timber frame prefab houses - modular or just walls.
Custom design or according to your own drawings. Cheap prices, fast delivery.
We are frame haouse factory who deals directly with architectural office deisgningers together.
Because of that our work is more efective as we deal all parts of project documentation from sketch
to tender construction drawings.
We have over 5 years of experience building prefabs around Europe. Lately there is new passive house
design option added to our product line with under 25kw p/y energy usage.
Houses are timber frame or SIPS. Fully finished inside and out shipped to building site. Fast production time
in steady environment for best product. Best quality, price and fast building time.
More info about our wooden houses you can find at www.avstatyba.lt
Video about our log cabins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCgd1ZwMhok