Real Estate in Germany and Europe
Place of Origin: Germany | Brand Name: Laudin |

We offer Real Estate acquisitions in Germany and Europe through our partner lawyer office in Berlin. Presently there are many Chinese buyers who are looking for real estate especially in Germany. We are in position to help you with all procedures needed through our highly professionell lawyer office in Berlin.
We can also help you during M&E with companies in Germany and Europe.
For more information please contact us.
Wir bieten Hilfe beim Immobilienerwerb in Deutschland und Europa. Unser Rechtsanwaltsbuero in Berlin uebernimmt jegliche Aufgaben die notwendig sind, um Ihnen Ihre Traumimmobilie in Deutschland zu beschaffen.
Wir koennen ihnen auch bei Firmenuebernahmen in Deutschland behilflich sein. Fuer mehr Informationen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Schicken Sie uns ihre Vorschlaege und wir sagen Ihnen was wir tun koennen.