real estate
Place of Origin: Canada | Brand Name: Choices Charity | gold: 2000000 |

ChoicesCommunity Support Group is being built for the people to better supportthemselves in hundreds of communities world wide but before we can assist wemust have support to get operational.
You canbecome a location or divisional director by simply investing 1 million usd andqualifying with a professional background , like youre an accountant banker orlawyer and can prove it
We are afor business charity group where we create business profits to supportourselves and our activities once we receive our first donations / investments.
We arethe newest and most profit generating support group on the planet even thoughwe are in start up mode.
We willbe highly profitable within a few years time so first ones in get bestpositions locations and best profits. All investors must prove funds.
Donateany amount you wish to receive an office location in your area or invest anyamount you wish to receive top profits and a location in an area of yourchoice.
Once youmake clear what support or interests you care to offer / join us with then wecan state clearly what can be done for you and your investment.
No one can ask us yet for support so do notbother trying. We will inform you when we are ready to offer support.
A newconcept yes but we are building for a better long term future