Luxury Appartment, Azure
35th Story Building, 3 Car Garages Luminescent and soaring lobby 24/7Concierge Service,Security,Valet, 4Elevators,Pools,Cabanas - details see:
Place of Origin: Texas United States | Brand Name: Azure |
35th Story Building, 3 Car Garages and Luminescent and soaring lobby with abundant space with master piece art work displayed, 24/7 Concierge Service, Security, Valet Parking, Fitness Center, Spa,
4 Common Elevators, 18 seat media room, Beautiful Azure Gardens, Olympic Size Pools with Cabanas
(indoor and outdoor) private party areas and much more.
*Luxuryapartmentsare located in oneof the most prestigiousbuildings in the worldand the DallasTexasnearwhere thebusinessclubs andthe central officesofthe largest companiesof petroleumbusiness.Easy and quick accessto contactsthe topmanagementof companiesof petroleumbusinessand direct contactwith managementhold great promiseforpurchasingthis apartmentandhave the intention toobtain newbusiness opportunities