Hotel situated in one of the ski resorts of Slovakia
Place of Origin: Slovakia (Slovak Republic) |

Black Sea Business Leagueoffers you to buy:
Holiday House\Hotel situated in one of the ski resorts of Slovakia
The total square of house territory is 23 092 m2.
There is a 4-storey building on the territory.
The total built-up area makes up 419.69 m2.
There is a tennis court and garage, the square of which is 50.35 m2.
In the house there is heating and electricity.
Besides, 10 separate timbered houses are situated on the territory; each of them has 2 floors.
Hot water, electricity and heating are also provided.
The total cost is 1 million Euros.
Advantages of buying the hotel:
- getting a residence permit for living in Europe
- making business in Europe
Black Sea Business Leaguewill help you with the organization of business in Slovakia.
Natalia Blyzniuk
Sales & Marketing Director ofBlack SeaBusiness League
+38067 9891045