European Union residence
Place of Origin: Latvia | Brand Name: EURA Property Invest |

We are Latvia company that offer invest in Latvia real estate. Our business model is to buy real estate in bancrupcy auctions about discounted short sale price and resale them about real market price or near to it. We offer invest in company equity capital starting from 5000€.You can expect at least 30% annual capital return.
We do all work from our side - analyse market, pick properties, visit auctions, manage documentation. We have good experience, expertise and track record how to increase capital without leverage.Your investments are secure, because you invest in real estate, what are located in Latvia (European Union, Schengen area, NATO, eurozone member country).
In picture you can see printout of property ownership certificate.Our company bought that land plot in 16.04.2013. about 2550 Latvian lats (3640€) and sold 2 weeks later in 03.05.13. about 7225 Latvian lats (10 320€).
Our fees:
We charge 50% of profits when property where we invest is sold.
If you invest 50 000€ or more, you and your family members (wife/husband and kids) can qualify for Latvia residence permit.Latvia residence allow to you live and travel all around Schengen area without additional visas.