Eco Block Wall System - Interlocking Blocks
Place of Origin: United States | Brand Name: EcoBlock Building Systems | Model Number: Interlocking Blocks | Size: Medium (Height: 380mm - 979mm) |
Material: Lightweight Aggregate Concrete | Type: Other | Porosity: Hollow | Eco Block: Grey |

The ECOBLOCK CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM uses proprietary Technology that specializes in pre-manufactured houses, commercial and industrial structures. The opportunity to use the ECOBLOCK Construction System is offered through direct sales programs and joint venture projects and is available for manufacturing, marketing, construction or sales worldwide.
The ECOBLOCK CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM offers an innovative, flexible, cost saving building system for constructing walls and other structures. ECOBLOCK is simpler, faster and less expensive then conventional blocks to install. This is do to it's ease and accurate stacking and the fact that there is no need to apply mortar between the adjoining block faces because they are held firmly together by a unique tongue and groove design witch allows for vertical and horizontal instant locking. Where greater strength might be needed, the cavities can be filled with concrete and reinforcing bar as specified. It takes general laborers less then 25% of the time to construct above grade exterior, interior or foundation walls.
The ECOBLOCK CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM is the product of years of research and engineering studies and has customized software available to facilitate the computer-aided adaptation of different existing building plans to the ECOABLOCK CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM.
Pre-manufactured kits for houses and buildings are available with all the necessary modular pieces. Including blocks with self contained electrical and plumbing outlets, window moldings and sills, cornices, dentils, etc.
Self-alignment capabilities:
All blocks in the system are component to each other and can only be fit in one way.
Cost effective:
10 times faster than regular construction, 3 minutes compared to 39 minutes per conventional square meter. Easy assembly and construction, even if grout is needed.
Innovative design:
Hollow cells in the block interior allows the passage of re-bars, insulation materials, cables and pipes for utilities and grout when needed
Unskilled labor rated:
After the first course is grouted to the flooring structure, the blocks are quickly assembled.
Fire resistant:
Since concrete blocks do not support combustion, their mass transfers heat slowly and their fire resistance is very high.
Sound control:
Especially important in multiunit housing, commercial and industrial applications, is excellent. It's also important in sound barriers for populated areas on highways.
Attractive finishes:
Perfectly aligned blocks with no mortar provide a better surface for applying decorative finishes by brush, towel or spray, in some areas may be left expose.