we are a Chinese manufacturer of construction formwork accessories and building fastener such as B form tie,plastic cone,B-cone, B cone , D-cone, D cone , inner unit, D-form tie, D inner unit ,X flat tie , heavy duty flat tie , Standard aluminum form pin , Straight wedge for the alum. Form pin nominal aluminum form ties ,standard pin , stub pin,wedge,wedge pin ,flat tie , X flat tie ,full tie , nominal tie , wall tie,tie rod,thread rod ,tie nut ,wing nut,scaffold coupler, clamp , fix clamp , swivel clamp , fix scaffloding coupler , swivel scaffolding coupler , beam bar , tie nut , wing nut , hexagonal nut , u-clip,hook,expansion anchor bolt,chain roller,implosion nut ,cutting wire and other non-standard fastener most of them are used in building ,channel,bridge construction to fix formworks
if you are interested in any of our products please contact me at Email : hzm882010 AT hotmail.com or sale803 AT hanformwork.com Skype : rainshuangfei Tel : 86-15076149962