CEM I 42,5 R FOB USD 73
Place of Origin: Kocaeli Turkey | Color: Grey | Feature: Sulfate Resistant | Main Raw Material: Aluminate |
Type: Silicate Cement / Portland Cement | Hardening Feature: Rapid Hardening | Strength Grade(Mpa): 42.5R |

Portland cement (PC 42.5 - PC 32.5) (CEM I 32.5 R - CEM I 42.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling Portland cement clinker (TS 3441) together with gypsum. It comes in PC 32.5, PC 42.5, PC 52.5 classifications. "PC" is the symbol for Portland cement while the numbers 32.5, 42.5, 52.5 indicate the minimum desired resistance value achieved within 28 days.
Produced in compliance with TS 19 and EN 197-1 standards.
Areas of use:
PC 32.5 can be used in general-purpose construction to produce concrete where the hydration temperature and effects of sulfur do not require that special attention be given. PC 42.5 and PC 52.5 are used in construction works where highly resistant concrete is desired or where concrete with a high initial resistance to shock is required.
Composite cement (KZC/A 32.5R) (CEM V/A(S-P-Q) 32.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 40-64 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker (TS 3441) together with a corresponding amount (60-36 parts) of suitable additives and a quantity of gypsum.
The Turkish Standard Institute (TS) number is 12142.
Areas of use:
Used in ordinary construction works and in making block concrete for which a low hydration temperature is desired.
Sulfur-resistant cement (SDÇ 32.5)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling Portland cement clinker containing at least 5% tricalcium aluminate together with a quantity of gypsum.
Produced in compliance with TS 10157 standards.
Areas of use:
Used in construction works in areas high in sulfates or affected by seawater; in underwater construction and in the construction of bridges, dams, and harbor substructures; in the construction of retaining walls.
Additive cement (KÇ 32.5)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling at least 81 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker together with a corresponding amount of pozzolanic additives (maximum 19 parts) and a quantity of gypsum. The additives may be trass, slag, volcanic tuff, free ash, or other pozzolanics individually or several in combination.
Areas of use:
Used in general-purpose construction, in all areas of construction not requiring early resistance, in the making of all forms of concrete where the hydration temperature and effects of sulfur do not require that special attention be given (resembles PC 32.5).
Portland composite cement (PKÇ/A- 42.5) (CEM II/A/M)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 94-80 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker together with a corresponding amount of at least two kinds of additives (6-20 parts) and a quantity of gypsum. Its 28-day resistance must be at least 42.5.
Produced in compliance with the TS 12143 standard.
Areas of use:
General-purpose construction in which additive cement is used and construction works requiring higher resistance.
Portland composite cement (PKÇ/A- 32.5 R) (CEM II /A/M 32.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 94-80 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker (TS 3441) together with a corresponding amount of at least two kinds of additives (6-20 parts) and a quantity of gypsum. Its 28-day resistance must be at least 42.5.
Produced in compliance with the TS 12143 standard.
Areas of use:
Used in general-purpose construction in which additive cement is used, in construction works requiring higher resistance, in construction works (such as dams) where a low hydration temperature is needed, in places exposed to seawater.
Portland composite cement (PKÇ/B 32.5R) (CEM II /B/M 32.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 79-65 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker (TS 3441) together with a corresponding amount of at least two kinds of additives (21-35 parts) and a quantity of gypsum.
Composition consists of 35% additives (trass, blast furnace slag, limestone) and about 65% clinker. Its two-day pressure resistance should be more than 10 N/mm2. Its 28-day resistance should be more than 32.5 N/mm2.
Produced in compliance with the TS 12143 standard.
Areas of use:
Used in construction works were a low hydration temperature is required (such as dams), in places exposed to seawater, in normal construction works (since it is resistant to sulfates, chlorides, and other salts).
Pozzolanic cement (PZÇ/B-32.5 R) (CEM IV/B 32.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 64-45 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker (TS 3441) together with a corresponding amount of pozzolanic materials (21-35 parts) and a quantity of gypsum and CaSO4 2H2O.
Produced in compliance with the TS 12144 standard.
Areas of use:
Used in general-purpose construction works where additive cement is used.
Trass cement (TÇ 32.5)(CEM II/B-P 32.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 80-60 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker together with a corresponding amount (21-35 parts) of trass (TS 25) and a quantity of gypsum.
The Turkish standards number is TS 26.
Areas of use:
Used in dam, foundation, and tunnel construction works because it is highly resistant to alkali, salt, and aggressive water; in block concrete construction works where the hydration temperature must be rapid; in the construction of agricultural and industrial facilities.
Blast furnace slag cement (CEM III/A 32.5 R)
Product description:
A hydraulic cement resulting from milling 20-80 parts (by weight) of Portland cement clinker (TS 3441) together with a corresponding amount (80-20 parts) of blast furnace slag and a quantity of gypsum.
The Turkish standards number is TS 20. There are two grades, which are identified as CÇ 32.5 and CÇ 42.5.
Areas of use:
Used in places where corrosion is not very effective. Bolu Çimento produces ÇÇ 32.5.
Sulfur-resistant cement clinker
Product description: A Portland cement clinker in which the amount of C3A (tricalcium-aluminate) is a maximum of 5% and the amount of 2C3A + C4AF (tricalcium aluminate ferrite) is a maximum of 25%.
Areas of use: Used in the production of sulfur-resistant cements.
Low-alkali clinker
Product description: A clinker whose total alkali content is less than 0.60%.
Areas of use: Used in the production of low-alkali cements.
Delivery Detail:10 DAY |