brass bottle trap
brass bottle trap - details see:
Type: Plumbing Traps |
Related Product for brass bottle trap

Brass P TRAP wall tube brass p-trap high quality
P Trap less cleanout, Finish: ANT COPPER <p>Decorative P-Trap with Box Flange Less Cleanout 1 1/2" x 8-1/2", 3 b
shower p trap
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service

sanitary trap
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service

brass basin waste trap for bathroom
basin waste trap1. chrome plated
2. brass with high quality
3.GMP factory

plumbing p trap
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service

P TRAP brass tubular p-traps wall tube traps
1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x8-1/2" With 1-1/2" high Box Flange include:2 brass slip nuts 1-1/2",with 1 brass slip nut 1-1/4"
plumbing s trap
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service

bottle trap for wash basin
bottle trap for wash basin
P trap for sink
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service

basin trap&bathroom basin bottle trap
basin trap1. chrome plated
2. brass with high quality
3.GMP factory

kitchen sink trap
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service

Basin S Trap
1,a part of the drainage system for kitchen and bathroom sink drains.2,High quality
3,competitive price
4,good service